I have slight reservations about posting such an entry here. After all, this blog is devoted to the ever-growing butterball we call Stella.
But lately I've been reading more and more comments about how worried everyone is about Obama as President, specifically Christians. And it worries me. This quote from a Jan 20 blog posting sums it up:
"...amidst the $170 million affair, the hoopla of our first African-American President, and the controversial issues that have been pounding our living rooms for the past year during the most expensive campaign in this nation's history, it remains a very sad day. A day when all I can think about is what a bleak future we are headed into with Obama as president." (
see blog)
I could say many things in response (like "bleaker than what we're already experiencing?"), but instead I'll just add a few remarks as an opposing viewpoint.
To get it in the open right away, I support and voted for Obama.
Here is a man that in his first full week as President has brought a sense of unity to this country that has been missing for a long time. He has inspired thousands, if not millions, to do something good with their lives and their time. We've already seen the direct effect of thousands of people signing up to give of their free time, primarily because an inspiring leader asked them to. It's the call of a great leader that many of us have been waiting for.
One of the recent (and continual) hot buttons: Abortion.
I understand the highly emotional divide of pro life vs. pro choice, and I understand how it leads people to vote the way they do. But Obama himself was quoted to say that despite our differences on the issue, we can all agree that unwanted pregnancy is the real culprit. If we do a better job of avoiding unwanted pregnancies, we do a better job of avoiding the choice of abortion. He was trying to reframe the issue in a way we could unite behind and make a true, positive impact.
He also said that none of us are pro-abortion, and he's right. It's a horrible decision to make and it's a horrible circumstance that leads someone to even consider the option. I personally think we have to stop equating pro-choice with pro-murder - they are not the same thing. (but that's another post...)
To say I'm an Obama supporter is also to say I am not a Bush fan, but to be clear, it had little to do with his religious beliefs or abortion stance.
It had more to do with how he failed to rescue thousands of unfortunates in New Orleans. It had more to do with how he invaded Iraq and manipulated information to support the false claim of weapons of mass destruction. It had more to do with the thousands of servicemen and women who have died supporting his false claim. It had more to do with the failure to recognize and act on a failing economy, one that is now affecting so many of us. And it had more to do with the divisions and bitterness that he ultimately encouraged between people of this great, free nation.
Many have said that they are proud of Bush for ,"...standing up for his beliefs..." Commendable for an individual, perhaps, but unacceptable when you represent a nation of millions, many who don't hold the same beliefs.
But ultimately, I have the hardest time accepting that those who believe in the loving tenants of Jesus Christ would agree that he was a stellar President. He failed so many people. He gave hope to so few. He divided so many.
I am thankful that Obama is my President. Not because he's a Democrat or black or young or pro-choice, but because he has inspired hope, unity, even LOVE, in a majority of Americans in a way that I've never seen in my lifetime. Especially from a politician.
And that's something I think Jesus would be proud of.