June 6, 2011

The Great Turtle Adventure of 2011

So I got a call on the way home tonight asking if I was almost there because my two favorite girls needed help getting a turtle out of the yard.

What? Needed help? It's just a turtle.

"You don't understand," Markana replied, "We've been trying to pick it up with a shovel, but it snapped at me, I screamed, Stella cried, and we need your help." OK. Whatever.

But then I saw this mean little SOB...

I'm not sure I've ever seen a snapping turtle outside of a zoo or YouTube, but this little guy was super-quick and scary. So we picked him up (with said shovel), and carried him down to the creek to let him go. He scampered off quickly and that was that.

M told me later that while they were trying to catch him before I got home Stella said, "We need the Wonder Pets. Where are they?"

Thank you, T.V., for raising my child.


  1. You should have saved him for the great July 4th turtle race! I am very proud of you, brave son of mine, for protecting your little family. Love, Mom

  2. Super Daddy, Super Daddy is on his way! To help the snapping turtle and save the day. He's not too big and he's not too tough but when he has his shovel, he's got the right stuff! Goooooo Super Daddy! Yayyyyyy!
    Love it =) Good job Pishy!

  3. Finally living up to my title of Dad. Thanks everybody. A fine moment indeed.
