January 1, 2010

Being married to me must be awesome!

That's what I've been telling Markana for years in hopes that it might condition her to believe it.

But believe it or not, she at least thought I was awesome enough to agree to marry me four years ago today. Happy New Year! Each anniversary we get to celebrate the beginning of our lives together and the beginning of a new and hopeful year. This year is certainly no different.

Here's to an incredible 2010! Take a hike, 2009.

(we were so hot!)


  1. What a great picture...and I think you are both awesome!!!Happy Anniversary and Happy New Year.

  2. I almost spit out my drink when I read the title! Congratulations, it's gonna be a great year!

  3. I say you both are STILL just as hot then as you are now! 2010 is your year no doubt. I also tell Markana how awesome it must be to married to you!

  4. Amy, do not encourage him.

  5. Beautiful picture!! 2010 is going to be GREAT!!
