August 16, 2011

First Day of School

Today was Stella's first day in the Primary Class at her school. Do you think that she was excited?  So today she had a new classroom with many new friends, went through carline for the first time and we had to switch her carseat to the other side to accomodate that. She was so excited to go to school that she just went with the flow, jumped out of the car without even saying good-bye to her Mommy. And there she went into Primary B.

Now that Stella is in a 5 day week, Mommy needed to get a job. Which is great, but being a working Mom and figuring out child care has proven to be quite a challenge, but I have the most amazing friends that have been there to help me (thanks for today, Gette).

So, it seems that we both are moving in a new direction, with our eyes open wide, which is very cool.